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What We Believe

Good Shepherd Lutheran is a Bible believing, Sacramental, Liturgical congregation that believes in the one Triune God: God the Father, creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ, the Son, who suffered and died for the sins of all human beings, and who rose to life again in the ultimate victory over death and Satan; and the Holy Spirit, who creates and strengthens faith through God’s Word and Sacraments.

Being Lutheran, our congregations accept and teach Bible-based teachings of Martin Luther that inspired the reformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century. The teaching of Luther and the reformers can be summarized in three short phrases: Grace alone, Faith alone, Scripture alone.

God loves the people of the world, even though they are sinful, rebel against Him and do not deserve His love. He sent Jesus, His Son, to love the unlovable and save the ungodly.

By His suffering and death as the substitute for all people of all time, Jesus purchased and won forgiveness and eternal life for them. Those who hear this Good News and believe it have the eternal life that it offers. God creates faith in Christ and gives people forgiveness through Him.

The Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, is God’s inerrant and infallible Word, in which He reveals His Law and His Gospel, His plan of salvation for all who believe in Jesus Christ. It is the sole rule and norm for Christian doctrine.

Who Is Jesus?

For more than 2,000 years people have asked the question, “Who is Jesus?”. We were not present when Jesus lived on this earth, but in the Bible we have the record of his birth, life, death on the cross, and resurrection. Study of the Bible, God’s Word, will enable you to seek out the answer to this age-old question.

"What About?" Series

“What About?” is a series of pamphlets that addresses doctrinal topics, moral issues, and concerns in the church to help Christians grow in their understanding of these important questions.

History of Good Shepherd


The congregation had its spiritual start in 1961 when a group of concerned Christians recognized the need for a Lutheran church in Gulf Breeze and extended a call to the Reverend LeRoy Beutel in June 1963. Rev. Beutel oversaw final construction. It finished in early September and the congregation held its first service in the new building on September 22, 1963. Fifty-one members attended the first service. Sunday school classes began on September 29 of the same year.

Pastor Beutel completed his pastoral assignment in 1970. The Reverend Robert Cardero began his ministry in June 1970. Pastor Cardero served the congregation until September 1979. Captain Martin J. Doerman, USN, retired, accepted a contract in February 1980 to serve the congregation part time, which he did until 1986. Reverend J. Eugene Kunos accepted the position of acting pastor from 1986 until July 1988. Following Pastor Kunos the Reverend Richard G. Lohmeyer accepted a call as full time pastor, serving from 1988 until 2003.

New Church
New School
Into The Future

National Church

Good Shepherd is a member of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS), and is affiliated with the LCMS-Southern District, headquartered in Slidell, LA.

The LCMS is a denomination that confesses the historic, orthodox Christian faith, a faith built on “the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone ” (Eph. 2:20).

The LCMS, headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., is mission-oriented and Bible-based. Today, the LCMS has nearly 2 million baptized members in more than 6,000 congregations and some 9,000 pastors. Two seminaries and nine colleges and universities operate under the auspices of the LCMS, and its congregations operate the largest Protestant parochial school system in America.